January 14, 2011

Downtown Los Angeles: Skid Row

These photos were for research for a project during my third year of architecture school. My partner and I took the 5 all the way south until we reached 4th street.  We exited and found ourselves in the heart of downtown LA-an area known to many as skid row.  I've lived in Los Angeles my entire life but I've never really seen LA like this.  We browsed through wholesale fruit markets, documented old warehouses, and even encountered a few homeless people.  My partner kept insisting that I take photos of all the homeless we could find.  I totally refused. I felt like these people were on display-like they were exhibits and I had no right to examine them.  The aim for this research portion was to observe these surroundings, document the heavy population of homeless people, and decide on a perfect location and program for them.  Taking photos of homeless people is not only unethical. It's also tacky

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